Research Experience


♦ Graduate Research Assistant, North Carolina State University

As a Research Assistant, I have worked on the following topics on various projects.

  • Seismic Response of Electrical Equipment in Nuclear Power Plants: Parametric study to investigate the effects of geometrical nonlinearities on the dynamic response of electrical equipment when subjected to high-frequency earthquake. Comparison of various aspects such as linear vs nonlinear analysis; coupled vs uncoupled analysis, etc.

Related Papers:

  1. Singh, S., Gupta, A., (2021) “Seismic Response of Electrical Equipment Subjected to High–Frequency Ground Motions,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 374, April 2021, 111046. (DOI: http://10.1016/j.nucengdes.2020.111046)
  2. Singh, S., Gupta, A., (2021) “Effect of Boundary Conditions on Seismic Response of Electrical Equipment Subjected to High–Frequency Ground Motions,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, (DOI:
  3. Singh, S., Gupta, A., (2021) “Understanding the Seismic Response of Electrical Equipment Subjected to High–Frequency Ground Motions,” Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol. 140, October 2021, 103915. (DOI: http://10.1016/j.pnucene.2021.103915)
  4. Singh, S., Gupta, A., “Effect of High-Frequency Seismic Motions on Electrical Equipment in Nuclear Power Plants,” In: 25th Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, pp. 1984-1991, August 2019, Charlotte, NC, USA.
  • Evaluation of In Cabinet Response Spectra using Ritz Vector Approach: Implementing Ritz Vector method through MATLAB code to evaluate in cabinet response spectra (ICRS) for equipment mounted in electrical cabinets in nuclear power plants. The code reads user input from dialog boxes or text files, finds dynamic properties of cabinets, evaluates ICRS, and saves all the output in an excel file.

Related Papers:

  1. Vaishnav, P., Singh, S., Gupta, A., “Using Ritz Vector Approach to Evaluate In-Cabinet Response Spectra,” In: 25th Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, pp. 1976-1983, August 2019, Charlotte, NC, USA.
  • Characterization of High-Frequency Attenuation in Low-to-Moderate Seismicity Regions: Insights on the Contribution of Sedimentary Deposits to Site-Specific Kappa (κ0_TF) and Uncertainty Quantification in κ0_TF: Understanding the variation of site-specific spectral decay factor, kappa, κ0_TF with different soil parameters and recommending the methods to find κ without using ground motions. Kappa, κ is an important factor that could be used to generate high-frequency ground motions compatible with Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis.

Related Papers:

  1. Singh, S., Cabas, A., Gupta, A., (2021) “Quantification of the Contribution of Sedimentary Deposits to High-frequency Attenuation in Low-to-Moderate Seismicity Regions via the Site Transfer Function,” (Under Preparation)